May 23, 2024

Uber Becomes Kotlin Foundation Silver Member

We’re delighted to share that Uber has joined the Kotlin Foundation as a Silver Member. With another industry leader on board, we have even greater opportunities to support and advance Kotlin.

Uber's commitment to Kotlin is evident in its extensive codebase. Besides embracing Kotlin, Uber is also actively contributing to the Kotlin ecosystem. This includes developing integrations for Kotlin with build systems like Buck, Bazel, and Gradle. Uber has also contributed to Detekt's development and initiated the creation of its compiler plugin version.

Furthermore, they helped establish the enterprise Java-to-Kotlin working group, a collaborative effort involving Meta, Google, JetBrains, and Uber themselves. The group's main goal is to provide companies with the tooling and expertise needed to migrate large legacy Java codebases to Kotlin and to encourage contributions to these tools.

As a Silver Member, Uber will play a crucial role in supporting the Foundation's initiatives, like the Grants program for open-source library authors and the Kotlin Multiplatform Contest for students. Their expertise will be invaluable in advancing the Kotlin ecosystem, and we are excited to collaborate with them on future projects.

To learn more about the Kotlin Foundation and our initiatives, please visit the Membership page. Join us and shape the future of the Kotlin ecosystem!

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