October 26, 2023

Mikhail Zarechenskii named the new Lead Language Designer and other changes in the Kotlin Foundation

Dear Kotlin Community,

We would like to announce recent changes in the Kotlin Foundation:

New Lead Language Designer

Mikhail Zarechenskii has been voted in unanimously as the Lead Language Designer by the Founding members of the Foundation. Mikhail has been an integral part of the Kotlin team and has been working on the compiler, as well as tooling for a number of years. His current role at JetBrains is lead of the Language Evolution Team, making him the perfect candidate for this role.

New Board Member

Hadi Hariri has been unanimously voted in as board member. Hadi has been in the Kotlin community from the very early days and has been actively involved in the Kotlin Foundation from its inception, serving both on the Operating Committee, as well as the Trademark Committee. He currently oversees Developer Advocacy and Open Source Ecosystem at JetBrains.

New Ecosystem Committee Member

Sebastian Aigner has been appointed as a member of the Ecosystem Committee. In his current role as Developer Advocate at JetBrains, Sebastian has intimate contact with the community, understanding not only the needs of developers, but also library authors.

Finally, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank Roman Elizarov for his years of contribution and dedication to Kotlin and its community. Roman’s work, from leading the Kotlin team to coroutines, courses, and talks, have been priceless for Kotlin. He has inspired many folks.

On behalf of the Kotlin Foundation, thank you Roman for everything you have done.

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